Francesco Ricci
Francesco Ricci is Full Professor of Private Law at the LUM Jean Monnet University of Bari – Casamassima and professor of European Contract Law and of Civil Law at LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome.
PhD in «Contract Law and Business Economics» at «la Sapienza» University of Rome, he is admitted to the Italian Bar, member of the Bar Association of Rome («Ordine degli Avvocati di Roma») and entitled to represent clients before the High Court («Corte di cassazione»).
He is Member of the Board of Directors and coordinator of the civil law course of the LUM Jean Monnet University’s Specialization School for Legal Professions and Scientific Director of the Master in Data Protection Officer and Data Processing Operators («Responsabile della protezione e operatori del trattamento dei dati personali – EMPRI»).
He is Member of the Scientific Board of the journal Familia – il diritto di famiglia e delle successioni in Europa and of the scientific book series Diritto delle nuove tecnologie, Member of the Editorial Board of CED – Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto and Member of the Peer Review Committee of the journal DIMT – Diritto Mercato Tecnologia.
In the field of scientific research, among others, he has been Coordinator of the Research Project on «General principles and clauses, legal argument and sources of law», carried out by nearly fifty scholars from fourteen European institutions; in the framework of a collective research on «Principle of subsidiarity and new distribution of competences», within a Project of Relevant National Interest financed by the M.I.U.R. – Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca and by a network of Italian Universities (P.R.I.N. 2009), he has been the Responsible for the research unit active at the University L.U.M. Jean Monnet that studied the issue of «Subsidiarity principle and organisational models of company networks»; in the framework of a collective research on «Unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices and market protection», within a Project of Relevant National Interest (P.R.I.N. 2007), he has been the Responsible for the research unit active at the University L.U.M. Jean Monnet that studied the issue of «Aggressive commercial practices».