Mª Luz Suárez Castiñeira

Mª Luz Suárez Castiñeira After graduating in English and German Philology from the Free University of Brussels, she received her PhD in Comparative European Literature at the University of the Basque Country (1992) with Cum Laude by Unanimity. Since then she has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the University of Deusto in Modern Languages, Modern Languages and Management and International Relations as well as in the Erasmus Mundus Master Programme Euroculture.

She has done her research in the field of comparative literature, first, and later, since 2003, in the field of European Integration, focusing her study on its cultural dimensión.

She has supervised 7 doctoral theses and numerous master theses in these areas. She has also participated in 6 European projects around inter- and transcultural dialogue, the construction of European identity and the dimension of multilingualism and its relationship with the concept of European citizenship. Between 2010 and 2015 she directed the Institute of European Studies, a permanent forum for meeting, research and training on the political project of the European Union and its international context.

Since then she has been actively involved in the publication and publication of the Journal Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto, specialized in the study of the European Union from an interdisciplinary approach. Currently, her priority research lines are:

  1. Cultural policies and the role of culture in the European integration process.
  2. The analysis of securitization discourses and the rhetorical construction of political and cultural identities.